Finding Joy
a powerful, responsive spiritual emotion based on love.

As Heard on the Bridge 101.1 FM
Classes focused on spiritual transformation, joy, and relational excellence.
Work with churches or organizations to help your organization experience joy in your mission.
Connecting people to the best resources focused on building Christian maturity.
Personal and small group coaching for executives or executive teams to strengthen joy.

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Do you desire to see a thriving community in your church, home and with friends? Finding joy will change everything.
Learn more about
your personal joy and how it affects your Relationships
Using brain-friendly, joy-building practices we help you understand and grow joyfulness towards God and others.

Joyful Journeys start with connections.
Sign up and we will keep you updated as we move towards understanding and growing our joy.
I got to know Dr. Dave through mutual friends and ministry partners a couple of years ago and he has been a tremendous blessing to me and my calling as a pastor and counselor. I joined him for his Joy Group Coaching Cohort this past spring, and the material was excellent for fostering healthy relationships and leading with a Christlike heart. The theologically-sound insight of neuroscience was profound and extremely practical for me and my ministry of caring for people’s souls. Dr. Dave is a wise, encouraging coach with a genuine pastor’s heart, and I highly recommend leaders of all types to engage with him and his work to lead more effectively in their callings.
Kyle Hope
I am a relatively new Christian Life Coach who has recently retired from pastoral ministry. I first met David when he taught the “Joyful Coach” session at an ICCI conference. I was so intrigued by what he shared that I signed up for the group coaching opportunity that he offered. It was a life-changing experience in that I learned truths about brain science and joy, and effective techniques that I could use to increase joy in my personal life and in my ministry and family. These principles made an immediate impact on the effectiveness of coaching sessions with my clients. David is a knowledgeable, kind, caring, prayerful, and encouraging coach and model for anyone who wants to grow in this area. I am proud to call him my friend and mentor.
Greg Oppenhuis